Sports Chiropractic: A great Alternative to PT in Crested Butte

If you aren’t excited about seeing a physical therapist or occupational therapist here in Crested Butte, Colorado, a great alternative would be sports chiropractic with our clinic. There is quite a bit of overlap in our treatment strategies. Many of you have asked so we decided to write an article about it!
Like traditional PT, or physical therapy here in Crested Butte, sports chiropractic also can help you to recover from post surgical to re-entry into sport. We see our fair share of post surgical rotator cuffs, ACL repairs with full rehabilitation programs being offered in the same way PT does, but also including more hands-on therapy and guided homework. So the next time you consider going to the Crested Butte Urgent Care or Gunnison Valley Health, consider CB Sports Chiropractic!

An in-home care service, like VisitingAngels, Doctor Lisa travels to your CB house or rental to help you recover from your injury or to conservatively manage degenerative shoulders, aches and pains from foot knee or hand arthritis and even to help calm the symptoms of diseases such as Lymes Disease. As Dr. Lisa does acupuncture, this is perfect for pain management in Crested Butte, CB South or even Mount Crested Butte.
Dr. Lisa sadly refers patients to surgery for rotator cuff tears of the shoulder and is fully trained to rehab this from post surgical all the way back to your sport of choice.
Post Surgical Rehab at your house in CB and MT CB:
If you’ve just had surgery, you likely have a few different things that we need to keep an eye on. Infection, scar tissue and adhesions between the skin and the fascia/muscle below the surgical site, and the common and treatable aches and pains that go with your body reacting to the surgery. Common symptoms of tight muscles and joint pain near your surgical site are easily relieved with a TENS unit (loans or sales offered at CB Sports Chiropractic) and the options of gentle massage, lymph drainage, and graston or guasha near the site of surgery will keep swelling and bruising to a minimum.
How many visits might you need with a PT in CB vs a Sports Chiropractor?
Depending on your injury, Dr. Lisa often sees you until you have a clear understanding of your current phase of homework. Many applied therapies to help you heal do unfortunately need to be applied by a trained health care provider however if you are willing to follow directions, Dr. Lisa can try to keep your healthcare costs at a minimum with guided self-care and assistance either virtually or in person. We recommend in person to evaluate where your body is falling behind in your healing process so we can target this specifically with your next round of exercises for your homework.

Post Surgical Rehabilitation that travels to your home or hotel is a great option!
Having your caregiver come to your home instead of you traveling with an injury keeps your injury risks low. Imagine all the ways you can accidentally "smack" your injury without trying to?! Avoiding overuse of crutches to prevention via avoidance of opening doorways and skipping those stairs. If you are in a wheelchair, you don't have to worry about accessibility!
Dr. Lisa removes all these risks and stresses by coming to you. She can treat you outside on your patio, in your living room, or in your office. If your hotel has a workout facility, you can call and ask if she can treat you in this space if you would like to avoid having someone in your personal space.
Dr. Lisa offers Medical Care, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Chiropractic at:
-- Elevation Hotel and Spa, Mt. Crested Butte
-- The Grand Lodge, Mt. Crested Butte
-- The Lodge at Mountaineer Square, Mt Crested Butte
-- Eleven Experience, Downtown Crested Butte
-- Purple Mountain Bed and Breakfast, Downtown Crested Butte
-- Elk Mountain Lodge
-- Snow Crest Condos
-- (And many more).
If you would like to book a visit, regardless of location, if you are within 12 miles of Crested Butte, Dr. Lisa would be happy to drive to you. At the time of writing this, the travel fee is included in the price of the visit.
Dr. Lisa is used to traveling to Mt. Crested Butte and CB South for PT, acupuncture and chiropractic visits. If you wish to obtain more information or want to book a vsit today, call or text 970-452-1128 and Dr. Lisa will personally call you back to book your visit! If you're lucky, we can fit you in for a same day house-call.